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"Put Your Faith into Work" Bishop Bentley

Mark 2: 1 – 5

The Bible tells the story of Jesus arriving into Capernaum to preach. The gathering room was overflowing with people. Four men attempt to get a paralyzed man to Jesus. These men had great faith. Faith that if they just got him there to Jesus, something would happen.  Bishop reminds us that we need to have this kind of faith. Faith that if we just make it to Jesus, He will take care of the rest. Bishop preaches what we want and need the Lord has it. We have to come to Jesus to receive it.

Faith without works is dead. When you don’t feel like praying, do it. When you don’t feel like coming to church, come anyway. When you don’t feel like praising, praise harder. You do it anyway. Faith brought you here and Faith is going to keep you.

Bishop teaches us that not all people will receive what it is we Christians have to say. When we try to live right and do the right things, not everyone is going to be in agreement. But we must remain faithful. The devil desires to have you and your stuff. He does not want to see you happy. But the Lord brought you through doubt and confusion in the past and He will bring you out again.

Jesus is concerned about your spiritually not material things. You ought to not let anything or anyone hinder your walk with God. 

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