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“Time for Restoration” Bishop Fred Bentley

2 Chronicles 24:1-11

Bishop preaches that money is the root of all evil. Prosperity can be both a blessing and a curse. When money and material things come to us, as Saints, we have to keep proper things in perspective. The inability to keep things in order can cause moral and spiritual decline. When we get ‘new stuff’ we tend to allow our minds to become self-sufficient. Living with a mind-set of ‘I got it like that’. Bishop says with this mind set, we can’t even receive a sound word because of the ‘new stuff’ in our lives.

Bishop asks us the question “How can you be listening to God, when you’re counting your stuff?” He tells us we should not try counting our things, but bring it to God and he will handle the rest. He teaches us to sow your best into the kingdom, so that the best can be returned onto you. You don’t want God to issue out your blessings, you want God to open up the windows of heaven and pour out your blessings. Your obedience supplies the source. God is the source.

Saints of God are unable to sow into the kingdom of God financially if they haven’t sowed into themselves spiritually. And to do this, Bishops preaches that we need to restore the temple. We need to restore the body of Christ. If you continue to keep your hands closed, God’s hand will remain closed. 

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